Dandruff (pityriasis capitis) is the excessive flaking of dead skin on the scalp. The cells are dead and flaky skin is a natural event that normally when peeling process is a bit. However, there are people who experience continuously (chronic or occasional, exfoliating in large numbers, followed by reddening and irritation. Most cases of dandruff can be treated with special shampoo or anti dandruff shampoo.
Dandruff can also be a symptom of seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal infection or head lice. If you have dandruff, excessive head scratching should be avoided. Scratching can cause damage to the skin, which can further increase the risk of infection, particularly from bacteria staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus. Although this bacterial infection is the greatest risk of dandruff, most people will lead to lost of confidence for the sufferer. Therefore, people need to know how to get rid of dandruff to restore their confidence.
How to get rid of dandruff
Causes of dandruff
Before we come to how to get rid of dandruff, we need to know causes of dandruff first. Causes of dandruff is vary but keep in mind that dandruff is a condition where the release of dead scalp cells in excessive amounts. Skin cells that soft flake-shaped, sometimes accompanied by itching. Dandruff is not associated with any scalp type, meaning that it can happen to anyone no matter whether oily or dry scalp.
In line with the growth of skin, epidermal cells will be pushed out, where they eventually die and peel off from the head. In general, the peeling process is too small to be visible eyes. However, certain conditions can cause the turnover/cell growth becomes too fast, especially common on the scalp. For dandruff sufferers, skin cells may die and be replaced approximately every two weeks, whereas in people without dandruff, this cycle takes place once a month. The result, dead skin cells will accumulate in large numbers, which appear as small pieces of white or gray on the scalp.
Relation Between Nutrition and Dandruff Remedy
Remedies for dandruff
Dandruff in some cases is the result of poor nutrition problem, especially due to zinc deficiency. Zinc can be found in foods such as shellfish, turkey, pork, and beans. Especially for those who have dandruff problems but not severe, by proper hair care, exfoliation can be reduced. For certain people, they have a wrong perception by refusing to wash their hair, and think that shampooing can cause the scalp to become dry and can make them become more dandruff.
The most convenient way for dandruff remedy is to wash your hair regularly thus the dead skin will come off and make the hair clean and healthy. The right shampoo will help to restore the scalp acidity level is remain stable, break down oils and preventing dead skin cells pile up. However, regular shampoo is not intended specifically for the treatment, or a shampoo that is not for the treatment of seborrhoeic dermatitis, has no effect as dandruff remedy for irritated and red scalp.
Dandruff can cause problems when it comes to disrupt someone appearance. Someone who has a dandruff problem become less confident. How disruption of a person when he found the debris of the scalp was scattered on his shirt.
By experts, dandruff is associated with fungal infections of Mallassezia and Pytosporum ovale as causes of dandruff. Both types of fungi have led to the occurrence of abnormalities on the scalp so that the process of release of the scalp cells faster than normal people.
The use of regular shampoo can actually eliminate the buildup of dead scalp skin but this shampoo cannot be used as a dandruff remedy for those who have dandruff problems caused by Mallassezia and Pytosporum ovale fungi. For easy dandruff remedy is to use anti dandruff shampoo that is often found in the market.
Tips of how to get rid of dandruff
How to get rid of dandruff is easy, you can make home remedies for dandruff by following the tips below:
- Avoid scratching your scalp to prevent blisters which can cause a secondary infection.
- Use antidandruff shampoo regularly, especially those containing zinc pyrithione (ZPT). Anti-dandruff shampoo has the effect of anti-bacterial and anti fungal so it can reduce the incidence of skin flakes and relieves itching.
- Use anti dandruff shampoo every day on a regular basis.
- Choose anti dandruff shampoo to avoid side effects
- Replace anti dandruff shampoo to avoid resistance.
- Avoid stress. Although stress is not a direct cause, stress can cause disruption of immune system so it would accelerate the emergence of dandruff.
- Avoid the excessive use of hair oil, gel or hair spray because it can trigger growth of skin fungi.Limiting foods and alcoholic beverages that can trigger the growth of skin fungi.
- Keep your hair and skin health with foods rich in vitamin B, for example: egg yolks, nuts, whole grains and dark green vegetables.
- Do not forget to consume foods that contain zinc to maintain the glands and the immune system, for example: fish, egg yolk, meat, soy and grains (rice, wheat, etc.)
- Bask for a moment under the sun in the morning and evening, so that hair and skin remain health.
- Consult your dermatologist if the anti dandruff shampoo cause side effects such as skin peeling or any other side effects.
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